Thursday, November 1, 2012

Greyhound Bus in Prince George


Greyhound Looking to Dramatically Reduce Service in Prince George, B.C.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012 - 4:14 PM
By Julie O'Connor
Prince George, BC

Greyhound has proposed significantly reduced service around Prince George, and the city is not happy about it.
The bus company is looking to cut down their service to Prince George from 7 days a week to just one.
The company has noted that Northern Health's bus service for healthcare patients is taking away customers from them.
Mayor Shari Green has written a letter to the BC Passenger Transit Board.
"What my letter to the Passenger Transit Board says is work with the premier, work with the MLAs responsible, the ministers responsible for health, to figure out what the real crucks of the issue here is between these busing services. So get the right people in the room, figure it out, and I don't belive that they'll need to have a reduction in services as a result."
Green says Greyhound reducing service is an unacceptable option, as there's recommendations coming from the Highway of Tears symposium that talks about how critical it is to have a safe transit route along the Highway 16 corridor.
She says the transit board has now put an extension to the deadline for people to make written submissions to them, but they do charge a 50 dollar fee.

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