Monday, December 3, 2012

_Greyhound Mishap _ Bangor _


  1. "Like you said-an idiot. This a perfect example of the "new era Greyhound driver". 26 years old & inexperienced from NYC."

    Not wanting to disrespect the Greyhound many of us fondly remember, nor to suggest that hiring and training policies were lax in past times, but I have been acquiring official Greyhound accident reports from the 50s and 60s and I've got to say, I am surprised at some of the drivers (not coincidently who were involved in and often responsible for these accidents) who made it past screening, at a young age, with bad history already known about them.

    I am well aware that in an organization as large as Greyhound was in those days, there are bound to be some sub-par drivers, but the past offenses, which would have been known at the time of hire, have raised my eyebrows more than once.


  2. In 1990 in the USA "Uncle Fred" Currey began his program of getting rid of experienced coach operators and replacing them with large numbers of newbies working for considerably lower wages -- so that Fred could, he thought, provide a better P&L statement. The example here is one of many such results. He got a lower-paid workforce, but he also got a bunch of bus drivers whose behavior is now incredibly poor. Fred also got a bankruptcy of the GLI, and he became ousted as the CEO of the GLI.

  3. Wyatt Olsen Professional Driver's Only > If I take a Greyhound Bus I expect the best of the best....If you need experience, I suggest you get it somewhere else... When I was hired on by Greyhound they were looking for experience (professional Driver's) ....I do not approve/support of the hiring practice of (Inexperience Driver's) ....or Learn as you go attitude...Wyatt
